Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Employee Caravan

While President Trump wants to send the military to the Mexico border to greet the so-called “Migrant Caravan” from Central America, I think we should send different groups down there to meet them.  Every employment agency and Department of Workforce from the lower 48 states should be on-hand at the border ready to take the…READ MORE

For Want of a Nail….

When I was a kid I read a nursery rhyme called “For Want of a Nail”.  It tells the story of how not having a nail to properly shoe a horse prevents an important message during war from being delivered and a kingdom falling to the enemy.  It was meant to teach us that the least…READ MORE

Concerned Man #2

In the new, new, new economy, it’s important to have what the millenials like to call a “side hustle”–a part-time job to help you make ends meet–because you can’t be expected to pay for your student loans for that advanced degree in a field that you will never be able to find a job in,…READ MORE

The Borrower is Slave to the Lender

Here is what the US is going to do about Saudi Arabia’s alleged murder of a dissident reporter at its consulate in Turkey: absolutely nothing.  And here is what the US is going to do about the disappearance of the Interpol President in China: absolutely nothing.  It’s entirely possible that President Trump or State Department…READ MORE

The Greatest Game Nobody Saw

Well that was one hell of a baseball game last night.  You had pressure-packed pitching, outstanding defensive plays, benches clearing after a dirty play, and high-tension drama that ended in 13-innings.  Too bad hardly anyone saw all of it.   As someone who gets up for work at 2:45 am, I knew there was no…READ MORE

Profiting Off the Dead

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen died on Monday, leaving behind a net worth of $20.3 BILLION.  While I’m sure that his family and co-workers are saddened by his passing, those most disappointed are Socialists like Senator Bernie Sanders and likely-Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez–who will see another mega-billionaire not have to pay his “fair share” despite being dead.   The current…READ MORE

Not Helping the Planet a Large Amount at a Time

Because we have been doing it for so long now, sorting your recycling from your garbage seems like more of a chore and a bore than a positive step to “save the planet”.  It’s a good thing that recycling has become a routine in our lives.  Just this weekend, I felt bad throwing a plastic…READ MORE

Meekly Staying Where We’ve Always Been

It is fitting that the Neil Armstrong movie First Man comes to theaters today–just a day after a Soyuz rocket failure leaves humankind with no reliable way to get a person into space.  In just fifty years we have gone from the greatest accomplishment in human history, to settling for low-earth orbit flight, to having…READ MORE

We’ve Seen This One Before

Do you ever wonder what Hollywood pitch sessions are like now?  For those not familiar, a pitch session is when producers come in and meet with studio executives to lay out their ideas for potential movies or TV shows.  If the execs like what they hear, they “green light” a project and the producers can…READ MORE

D Legit 2 Quit

Someday, political scientists and historians will look back at this time and call it the “Age of Delegitimization”.  An era where both political parties sought not to just defeat each other, but to destroy the legitimacy of elected officials, government institutions and other pillars of society in case they lost.   That was accomplished in…READ MORE